I’m copying the three important items I just emailed to everyone, without David’s number, to make sure that everyone has access to this information.
First, I’m writing to remind you that, starting this coming Monday, we’ve been asked to close/lock all entry doors while we rehearse.
So, as announced, we will lock the front marquee doors at 7:30 pm when we start rehearsal, and lock the back door (near the dressing rooms) at 7:45 pm. If you have an unexpected delay and are late, arriving between 7:30-7:45 pm, just come in the back door. If you are later than 7:45 pm for some reason, contact David Church by text or phone (text preferred, because we’ll be rehearsing at that point) and he will send someone to open the back door for you. This plan will allow us to follow Karina’s directive, but still create a manageable plan for anyone who can’t find a parking spot at the last minute.
Second, the weather is far from tropical for the weekend. Please plan ahead to protect yourself, your family, and your property. I understand the big concern this weekend is icing, strong winds, and potential power issues. We fully expect to rehearse on Monday, but I’ll email everyone again by 5:00 pm on Monday to confirm the status of rehearsal. If you don’t have mobile access to email in the afternoon, plan to call a friend who can check email so everyone will be aware of the plans for the evening. Hopefully, the holiday will play in our favor this time.
The rehearsal plan is published on the home page of my blog at wsw.ebernet.biz, but here it is as well:
7:30 – Zdechlik with Lt. David Regner
8:00 – Reed I (with HHHS off-stage band players)
8:25 – Reed II
8:40 – Stretch
8:45 – Villa-Lobos with West Point soloists
Third, I am going to cancel the February 4 rehearsal, which was intended to be the first reading rehearsal for Caramoor. I’m cancelling because one of the tunes is out of print, and we haven’t found a source for parts yet (American Originals by Sammy Nestico), Matt Podd will not have the vocal arrangement completed until April 1, and all the other pieces are reprises from this season or previous seasons. My plan had been to introduce the three overlapping concerts in reverse order (Caramoor, Spring, ACB Convention) but that plan now seems unwieldy and impractical. Instead, we’ll concentrate on rehearsing the shared repertoire between the Spring and ACB concerts at our next rehearsal on February 11, and then move forward with the new Les Miz arrangement on February 25 (there is no rehearsal on February 18 for Presidents Day). I’ll review this on Monday, but I wanted to put it in writing so you can be aware of the change.
Stay warm, stay dry, keep the lights on! See you Monday.