Please be careful on/off stage tonight

I just received this message from Megan, the Stage Manager at TMH:

Heads up. We had a kids show today, and they are storing equipment in dressing rooms / around stage and in wings. Please don’t pull up spike tape on floor. If there are issues with the scenery (don’t think there will be) be gentle, it’s card board!

So please be aware that we are sharing the space on and off stage this evening with equipment from this show. Please be aware that there is scenery around and about the stage, and spike tape (important to their performances) on the stage floor. Please take extra care when moving chairs, stands, and percussion, and lift items as necessary on stage so as not to rip up the spike tape. Our access time before rehearsal is not affected.

This children’s show continues production next week, and that is the reason we had to move the March 18 rehearsal to New Rochelle.

See you tonight at TMH.

Milhaud & Les Miz

Yes, it’s an all-French rehearsal this week. We’re rehearsing all five movements of the Milhaud and the Les Miz medley.

On Wednesday, I discussed a project with the Board, to engage all of you with talking about and listening to great works for band. The project will involve an NCAA-like bracket, and the end result will be the group making a decision about programming one work in the 2019-2020 season.

11 days until Spring. Hang in there. See you Monday.

Dodging the snow!

From the reports I see, it appears that the snow will be heaviest overnight tonight, ending before the rush hour tomorrow morning. We may see some school delays, or possibly closures in the direct zone of heaviest snow, but I am confident that everything will be under control by tomorrow evening, and our rehearsal will not be impacted.

Chris Wilhjelm has written to all the bands participating in ACB to encourage participants to book hotel rooms at the Hilton Woodcliff Lake. Apparently, the anticipated number of rooms booked is way under predictions at this point. I consider Woodcliff Lake, NJ to be “local” for all of us, so I never had any expectations that members would stay overnight (as we did in Syracuse), but if you are interested, here is the information and booking link directly from Chris:

Dear Friends, 

Here is quick convention update regarding our room reservation requirement at the hotel:

Yes, I realize it is possible to find cheaper rooms at another hotel. This hotel however is willing to provide us with a beautiful facility and incorporate it into a discounted room price. If we fail to meet the room requirement it will place an incredible debt on the host.If you haven’t already done so, please encourage your membership to book a room for at least one night. We will gladly comp your membership with additional day passes for every additional night they are booked. (Excepting the evening receptions as we have have an additional charge for these which is worked into the convention registration price).
The link for the convention is – there is a link there for the hotel reservation but if you want a direct link to the hotel reservation:

Thanks, Chris

if you find that you’d like to stay overnight either before or after our performance on Saturday, April 27, please use the link above.

I doubt that we’ll need another communication tomorrow. Unless you hear from me again by noon tomorrow, assume that everything is GO as planned. Stay warm, stay dry. See you tomorrow evening.

Les Miz launches tomorrow evening!

I’m very excited to share Barton’s newest arrangement with you tomorrow evening. The score and parts are printed and ready to go. We’ll distribute the parts at the beginning of rehearsal. Remember that this medley is programmed only for the Spring Concert on May 11 at 8:00 pm; this is not programmed for the ACB or Caramoor programs. Several of the vocal soloists will be joining us tomorrow evening, so I can introduce them to you, and they can have a chance to hear the arrangement. (I’ve invited them to come to listen; but they won’t be rehearsing with us until May 6.)

As noted last week, Joe Higgins, from Rowan University, will also be joining us tomorrow evening for his first rehearsal of the Biedenbender. I’m excited to welcome Joe to work with you.

The rehearsal plan is posted. We’ve dodged yet another winter storm — see you tomorrow evening!