Final rehearsal/two forms

What a great rehearsal last Monday, in so many respects! Thank you for your diligence and plain ol’ hard work! Our final rehearsal is our dress rehearsal for the Caramoor performance, on Wednesday at 7:30 pm. (There is no rehearsal on Monday — so you have an extra evening to practice!) Our soloists, Madison and Shea, will be joining us to rehearse the R&H medley at the start of Wednesday’s rehearsal. The rehearsal plan is posted. Call time on Thursday is 3:45 pm, sound check begins at 4:00 pm.

Click here to reply regarding your continuing membership for next year. Please complete by Wednesday! It’s really important that we have answers from everyone before we leave for the summer break. Click here to vote in the Final Four. It’s still my hope to close this out by Thursday when we’re at Caramoor, and announce the winning selection.

It looks like there are only about 100 tickets remaining for Thursday. Only 3 of them are in the rear, less expensive, section, and they’re all single tickets. I have a friend who purchased two tickets in that section who has been called out of town, and is looking to sell them at cost. Please contact me if you’re interested in those tickets.

Thanks to those who have already completed both forms. Otherwise, please complete them by the time we see you Wednesday. See you then!

Two reminders and a form to complete

Performances TODAY

  • The Rich Dashnaw Trio (Rich on bass, Michael Lucke on piano, Chris Larsen on drums) will be performing at the Jefferson Valley Mall today, from 2:00-4:00 pm, sponsored by Ford Piano (who gave us the great deal on the ACB piano rental). It will be great! I plan on being there (some early Christmas shopping for Oleg, Mikhail, Igor, and Viktor), so I hope to see you there!
  • The Imperial Brass are performing tonight at 7:00 pm at Westside Presbyterian Church in Ridgewood, NJ (home of the New Jersey Wind Symphony) with guest soloists Philip Smith and Joe Alessi, guest composers Joseph Turrin and Patrick Burns, and more. The concert celebrates the legacy of Mark Freeh, and includes a finale massed brass band. (This is one of those once-in-a-lifetime everyone-and-their-brother-is-involved concerts. I’m hoping to make this as well after my late afternoon commitment in Bergen County).

2019-2020 Season

It’s time to ask everyone for commitments for next season. Please see the form below (or click here) and complete by Wednesday, July 3.

NOTE: If you complete the form directly from this post, be aware that you may need to scroll up after clicking Next to see the final page’s content.


Voter hacking?

Rep Bracket – Elite 8

So far I have 28 responses for the Elite 8 voting. But I suspect we’ve had some voting irregularities, as several votes were submitted by Oleg, Mikhail, Igor, and Viktor. Also, one of them left the comment, “Трамп большой ребенок!” So, if you haven’t voted, please do. There are only 4 choices in this round, and the next round (the last one!) will only have 2 choices. Our goal is to finalize this by July 4. Click here to vote!

Final working rehearsal this Monday

Our final working rehearsal is this Monday at TMH, followed by the dress rehearsal on Wednesday, July 3 at 7:30 pm at TMH. I believe the piccoli are meeting at 6:30 pm for a sectional.

Our soloists will join us on July 3. Please arrive on the grounds at Caramoor on July 4 by 3:30 pm. Sound check begins at 4:00 pm. Dinner is at 6:30 pm. Performance is at 8:00 pm.

We still have WSW T-shirts version 1.0 available for $20. The next batch will have additional style choices. See Chris on Monday. He’ll be happy to take your money.

Next season

Our concert dates next season are November 10, January 25, and May 16 at TMH, and July 4 at Caramoor. We’re looking at the possibility of one other concert off site, possibly in February or March. As I’ve done in the past several years, I’ll be sending out a form in a separate post to ask you for commitments for next season, including any exceptions you may have for specific performance/dress rehearsal date conflicts. Please start to check those dates, especially against school concerts for music educators, so you can complete that form once sent. Our hope is to get 100% response from the membership by July 4 when we say good-bye for the summer.

See you Monday!