Here are the headlines this week. See details below.
- See below for an important message about our response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. As of this morning, we are planning to rehearse as planned on Monday. But I encourage you to monitor your email and check the front page of through Monday, and regularly in the weeks ahead, just to be sure.
- The Chappaqua Orchestra performs at TMH tomorrow at 1:00 pm, celebrating International Women’s Day.
- NYSBDA has their annual symposium this weekend
NOTE: Because I feel this particular post contains particularly important information, I’m going to send it as a regular email to everyone as a backup. If you receive this twice, apologies — it’s because you received the post successfully in addition to the backup copy.
I wrote the following message with input and support from our WSW Board:
Everyone is very sensitive to the ongoing public health situation with COVID-19. I’m sure you’ve read correspondence from your local school district and have been watching the news. At this point, we’re all pretty much limited to being proactive, taking recommendations from local authorities seriously, and staying on top of the developing situation.
Many of you may be wondering what is going to happen with rehearsals over the next weeks. In short, we don’t know yet. We can’t make a specific plan, because we can’t forecast the extent of how this will affect the public. If local schools close, will it be for two days? Two weeks? Two months? A plan of action for any of these schools, other public institutions, and our WSW organization is entirely dependent upon the circumstances and duration of this public health situation. We do not want to panic. Then again, we want to do the right thing should we reach a point of “critical mass.” You can find official information from the CDC here on their website.
Bottom line: We want to continue to gather together and rehearse as long as it appears to be the safe and sane thing to do. I’m tied into the information pipeline at Masters, which I trust, and I will continue to share that information with this Board. I’m doing my best to adjust rehearsal plans/expectations to expect some rehearsal time will likely be lost. According to officials, the chance of infection is low, but keep these things in mind:
- If you don’t feel well, especially if you experience flu-like symptoms, don’t come to rehearsal. Contact David as soon as possible so we can anticipate and cover your absence if we can.
- If you simply do not feel comfortable coming to rehearsal, please contact David and be honest about your concern. No one will ask you to attend if you are not comfortable. Understanding how the membership feels about the developing situation is important to us gathering information and making good decisions.
- If you are comfortable coming to rehearsal, but want to bring some Clorox wipes to wipe your chair/stand, or if you want to bring your own stand instead of using our WSW stands, please feel free to do so.
- Obviously, do not share mouthpieces, reeds, or other personal accessories with other players.
- Please observe health-conscious etiquette.
- When you have to sneeze or cough, do so into your elbow/sleeve
- Wash your hands frequently with hot water and soap, at least 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday twice).
- Avoid touching your face/hair. (a huge challenge, I must add).
If you are unsure if you are receiving any emails, go to > Weekly News Posts, and check for the latest news. Right now, we’re planning on rehearsing on Monday night, and I am working now on updating the rehearsal plan. This situation is fluid and requires us to be cautious, flexible and nimble. I appreciate your patience, support and understanding as we navigate these uncertain times. In short, being prepared is the best advice we can give you. Be patient, wash your hands, and wait it out — with the rest of us. We’ll stay in touch with you as often and as thoroughly as we can.
The Chappaqua Orchestra performs tomorrow at TMH
The Chappaqua Orchestra has scheduled their first concert at TMH tomorrow, Sunday, March 8 at 1:00 pm. You can find ticket information here. In the spirit of full transparency, they will be using about 40 of our chairs/stands (as part of our ensemble-in-residence agreement with TMH), but none of our percussion. I don’t see this as an issue, but felt I should be honest in sharing it.
NYSBDA Symposium this weekend
In 2017, we performed at the NYBDA State Symposium as their featured performance ensemble. Marc Tartell pointed out to me that the weekend in Syracuse features a much that touches our WSW world:
- Central Winds: a Music Educators’ Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Andrew Perry and James Tapia. Program focus – David Maslanka’s Symphony No. 4
Saturday’s keynote speaker: Matthew Maslanka (David’s son) - Rehearsal and conducting techniques with High School Honor Band conductor, Paula Holcomb (she is on my upcoming guest conductor list)
- Living Legend: Northwestern University’s Mallory Thompson, clinic and conducting workshop with the Directors Band
- Play in the Directors Band that will serve as the demo ensemble for the conductors working with Dr. Thompson