Spring cycle begins MONDAY evening!

Ready to roll!

I sent a version of this post that said “tomorrow evening.” Apologies – I keep thinking today is Sunday for some reason. The rehearsal is definitely Monday evening!

OK, so we are finally (almost) ready to roll Monday at TMH starting at 7:30 pm. We’ll be reading the entire Spring Concert program. Find the rehearsal plan here.

Viet delivered the final version of the score for our commissioned work, titled The Man and the Echo this morning. He has promised to send the parts by noon tomorrow, and I will post them immediately. Please check back here in the Spring Concert rep folder after noon tomorrow to download the concert finale. (All of the other pieces are there too.)

Be sure to download/save or download/print all these parts and bring them tomorrow evening for our first rehearsal:

  • Creston – Celebration Overture
  • Markowski – All My Heart
  • Navarro – II Concerto for Clarinet
  • Cuong – The Man and the Echo (parts will be uploaded by noon tomorrow, 3/2)

The Clarinet Choir parts will be assigned and links sent out to all those players after Monday. (I can only handle one thing at a time, contrary to popular opinion.) We have 32 clarinetists registered as of now, so I believe this will be another historic specialty ensemble performance!

Kristen Mather de Andrade concert at Chappaqua

Kristen Mather, principal clarinet of the West Point Band, and dear friend of WSW, is presenting a concert of Brazilian music on Sunday, March 30 at 3:00 pm in the Chappaqua Library Theater. Click the QR code for more information, or visit kristenmather.com.


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