Rehearsal Monday at New Rochelle

This week:

  • Reflecting on the Fall Concert
  • Moving ahead to the Winter cycle

Fall Concert

Congratulations on a moving and exciting performance last Sunday! Congratulations especially to Andrew! Gerard, Nicole, and Kelijah all send their gratitude and congratulations. As always, I’m eager to increase our post-performance dialogue so we (including myself) can gain valuable insights for our growth and improvement.

I recognize that players are not really eager to raise their hands and discuss this when I try to have a group discussion. So I’m trying something different this time. Please click this link and answer three quick questions about your reactions to the performance. (Your name is optional and email addresses will not be collected.) My hope is that I can then share these submissions out to the group on Monday instead of trying to foster a discussion.

Rehearsal on Monday at New Rochelle

TMH is not available on Monday. We’re heading back to New Rochelle instead of White Plains for a very practical reason: the rental costs are almost one third of what White Plains has been charging us. Remember to use these directions, not your GPS!

We’re reading the entire Winter program on Monday. Click here for the Drive folders to download your parts if you have not yet done so. Please note that there is a list of errata in the Chance folder; these corrections are very important, so please mark them into your parts before rehearsal.

The rehearsal plan is posted here, as always. If possible, look at Blue Shades, Russlan, and Bayou Breakdown; there are also some very exposed solos in Deep River.

Enjoy the weekend, see you Monday to read the next program!