Reminders for Saturday

I just sent reconfirmation emails for my blog, as I announced in rehearsal, in an attempt to stop the blocking of blog posts that many members have reported. Please DO click the link to reconfirm your address.

Here’s a reminder of the schedule and address for Saturday’s concert. Remember that we’re wearing concert black (like all our TMH concerts), and that you must bring a music stand to the performance.

Saturday, February 29 at Kol Ami – Performance
252 Soundview Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606
3:00 – Percussion rental delivery
5:00 – set up in auditorium (please arrive no later than 5:45 pm)
6:00 – sound check
7:00 – break
8:00 – performance and reception

Tickets are available for Saturday’s concert. Send friends and family members to for tickets. See you Saturday!