Cracking the whip — back to work!

Rehearsal this Monday, February 24

As announced, we rehearse the Kol Ami program this Monday, and it’s the only rehearsal for this concert. And this rehearsal is for Kol Ami concert personnel only. Rehearsals for the full ensemble performing the May 16 concert resume next Monday, March 2.

The program for Kol Ami once again is:

  • Sparke – Jubilee Overture
  • Giroux – One Life Beautiful
  • Warrington – Original Dixieland Concerto (same soloists as November, except Uly is taking Chris’s place on tuba and there is no string bass)
  • Rodgers & Hammerstein Medley (from Caramoor 2019; this time with Kol Ami soloists David Rosen & Lenora Eve)
  • Svanhoe – Steampunk Suite (all movements)
  • King – Barnum & Bailey’s Favorite

Nancy will swap out old music/swap in new music on Monday.

Please review the technical sections of these pieces before Monday so our rehearsal is productive and positive. Remember, this is a one-rehearsal performance!

Details for the concert on Saturday, February 29 are posted on the front page, and I will review everything on Monday night.

Slight program change for May 16 / Spring concert

Although I felt that Alfred Reed’s Alleluia! Laudamus Te is the perfect opener for the the concert that features the Maslanka Symphony No. 4, I am concerned about the strain it will put on the brass for this emotionally and physically draining program. A number of brass players have confirmed this concern. And so I’ve decided to defer the Reed to a future program. In its place, we’ll perform the Bach Fantasia in G Major. This will reflect a strong connection to the Maslanka, open the concert with the kind of strong, stalwart energy I’m looking for, but will not be such a chop-buster. The parts for the Bach will be among those passed out in the music swap.

Caramoor tickets are now on sale

Tickets for Caramoor went on sale this week. Click here to order tickets. They are continuing their 25% discount for us, for tickets in rows BB-KK. Use the same code as in the past. I’m resending this code in a separate direct email, so as not to post the code for all the world to see.

As promised

You can’t make this stuff up: I’m not sure which is more dangerous, the trombone or the piano illuminated with all those candles. Enjoy, but please do not attempt this at home.

See you Monday!