Reminders for Saturday

  1. Remember that we have a power-packed 3 hour rehearsal on Saturday morning. TMH opens at 9:00 am, rehearsal starts promptly at 10:00 am. See the full rehearsal plan here.
    IMPORTANT: Remember that we are prohibited from parking in the rear lot at TMH and also prohibited from using the back door. Please enter and leave on Saturday from the front doors under the marquee. Percussion may load in through the side double doors on Kaldenberg Place.
  2. Parking – Eddie Herko shared this information regarding the mobile parking app in Tarrytown:
    WSW members may wish to download the “Pay By Phone” mobile app before arriving on Saturday, if they want to add money to their parking meter from the comfort of their chair on stage.
    A few tips:
    – if you already have the app, stop reading — I’ll surely bore you / them! 🙂
    – Parking Meter police will 1st look to see if meter is paid with coins, then if meter reads “not paid” then look at their mobile device to see if the meter # has been paid up.
    – There is like a $1 price hike for the convenience of the mobile app, but the benefit is you can still see the countdown of minutes left on your meter from your phone, and reload since you already have your meter # from initially paying from your phone.
    – the company is a UK based company,
    So I did have an instance where the meter charge would be U$2.50 and when the charge came up, it showed in British Pounds (GBP), but indeed I was charged only US $2.50
    Or bring a bunch of quarters!! Hope that helps.
  3. Dave Marchiony reminded me that Michael Markowski gave an interview on the Everything Band podcast:
    The discussion of Joyride is near the 50 minute mark.

It’s performance weekend – here we go! See you all Saturday morning!