November 6 rehearsal canceled

This Monday, October 28

6:15 – Board Meeting (upstairs dressing room)
6:45 – Dashnaw Quintet rehearsal (pit in front of stage)
7:30 pm – Full rehearsal. Plan is posted.

Upcoming rehearsals

We still have not gotten a response from New Rochelle, but feel we can no longer keep you in the dark about the days we’re rehearsing during the concert week. So:

  • Wednesday, November 6 – no rehearsal! Canceled! 86’d! Not meeting!
  • Monday, November 4 – We’re still unsure of the site of this rehearsal.
    • If we are able to get confirmation from New Rochelle, we will rehearse there, 7:15-9:30 pm (to work within their custodians’ schedule). 
    • If we are unable to secure New Rochelle, we’ll stick with TMH, but because of the children’s theater performance, we cannot set up until they are done and we’re not guaranteed a start until 8:00 pm. In this case, we’ll meet outside the marquee at 7:30 pm, set up as soon as the children’s theater clears. We’ll start as soon as possible, but please be prepared to stay until 10:00 pm if necessary.

Advertising for Fall Concert

The Resources page has been updated with these flyers and press release:

We also have 100 high-quality color flyers to distribute Monday night to those who would like them. Please take some along and post!

Kristen Mather de Andrade concert

Our friend Kirsten, who has soloed with us from the West Point Band, sent out this concert announcement for a program tomorrow evening (Sunday) in Croton. Bill Owens, West Point trumpet, who has also soloed with us (Carmen Fantasy, Norma Variations) is also performing. Please consider attending!

I am writing to ask if you would be kind enough to join me at the Croton Free Library on October 27th for a free concert previewing music from my upcoming Brazilian music album. I will be joined with some amazing musicians, and I am pretty sure that it is a style that you won’t often hear in the Hudson Valley. Additionally, there will be a pre-concert talk by Sergio Krakowski sponsored by the Croton Diversity and Inclusion Committee. 
I am totally self-funding this recording, and it has turned into a big project beyond my wildest dreams, so I would really love to share the story with you. Please click this link to visit my Kickstarter and watch a video that will give you the full scoop! Kristen’s Kickstarter
I would really love to see you and your friends on the 27th!
Croton Free Library
171 Cleveland Dr.
Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520
2PM – Pre-concert talk with Sergio Krakowski
3PM – Concert
Kristen (clarinet and voice); Sergio Krakowski (pandeiro – he’s also producing my album!); Vitor Gonçalves (accordion); Cesar Garabini (guitar); Eduardo Belo (bass); Jenny Hill (alto saxophone); Joe Natale (tenor saxophone); Bill Owens (trumpet); Alaina Alster (trombone)

See you all Monday!