Info for Saturday

Saturday’s concert

Here are a few notes for tomorrow:

  • We have access to the Hall at 4:30 pm. TMH crew is bringing up percussion, chairs, and stands, and pulling out the piano. As discussed, we are not using the shell this time, to be able to conserve space upstage and give the soloists more room at the apron.
  • Please arrive and be seated by 5:30 pm, ready in concert dress. Note that this is earlier than usual; see below for my plan. I’m asking that you arrived dressed so we can try to take a photo with the ensemble, soloists, and chorus before we break at 7:00 pm, so there won’t be time to change during the sound check. This is our only opportunity to do this — thanks for planning in advance.
  • Please know that we are not going to play continuously from 5:30-7:00 pm. Far from it! At 5:30 pm, we will play (or in some cases, sing) critical starts/endings to establish tempi and review bows. We are not going to hammer through any of the pieces as a run-through, with the possible exception of the Biedenbender. I would rather keep you “hungry” to play everything else and give Joe some latitude with this one number, since we did not touch it on Wednesday.
  • At 6:30 pm, we’ll make sure the soloists and chorus are set and ready, and run from Part 2 m.134 to the end (as we did on Wednesday) to check the chorus’s memory and insure that they are ready. That will be the only section of the medley I will ask you to play through.
  • Just before 7:00 pm, we are going to try to get a group photo of the entire assemblage. So as noted above, please arrived dressed so we can be efficient with our time, and still give you a full hour to rest and reset before the performance.
  • Please prep envelopes with any tickets to be held at Will Call, with your name as the return address and your guest’s name clearly written mid-span. Give to Marge at sound check. Thanks, Marge, for handling the tickets!
  • Bring cash — tomorrow’s audience should be bigger than usual, and so the 50/50 is apt to be huge! Thanks, Rachel, for handling the raffle!

Library for Caramoor

Please finish your swap out with Nancy after the concert, so all you have leaving the Hall is the Caramoor rep. I am bringing the Matt Podd medley with me tomorrow night, so make sure you pick that up.

After tomorrow, the next time I see you as a group is Monday, June 3 at 7:30 pm at TMH, for the Caramoor read-through. Make sure you look at the new parts before that rehearsal.

Other concerts of note

  • Reminder: New Jersey Wind Symphony performs tonight at 8:00 pm at West Side Presbyterian Church in Ridgewood, NJ. Amy Wilcox conducts the NVOT Wind Symphony as the prelude concert.
  • Connecticut Symphonic Winds performs next Saturday, May 18 at 7:30 pm in Fairfield, CT. The program is packed with finales: Tchaik IV, Kalinnikov, Berlioz, Scriabin, and Barnes — a huge program! (So you can’t ever complain I program too much!)

Rest up and we’ll see you tomorrow at 5:30 pm. It’s going to be an amazing night!