HUGE week ahead!

Spring Concert – Liberty! Equality!

You can find the PDF version of the flyer on the Resources page, along with the JPG version and the press release.

This is the week we put all this together!

  • Monday – Geoff is contacting clarinets about a sectional at 6:45 pm, on stage. When we set up, please set up in front of and behind them. We need to pull the piano to stage left again for this rehearsal. Vocalists join us for Les Miz at 7:30 pm. We will also review the Milhaud and Taylor this evening. Barbara will be coming to play the harp part in Les Miz. Marge will have Friends & Family tickets available. We will also have hard copies of color flyers available for distribution.
  • Wednesday – Vocalists PLUS sound engineer PLUS flash mob chorus from Masters join us to put the final touches on Les Miz. Joe Higgins will not be coming this evening. Together we felt the Biedenbender is in great shape, and having Joe make an additional trip from south Jersey was not needed. He will touch the piece in the sound check on Saturday. We will also review the Nelson (second ending only) and Holsinger, plus the Milhaud and Taylor. In other words, it’s a dress rehearsal without the Biedenbender, out of concert order.
  • Saturday – We have access to TMH at 4:30 pm for setup. We will begin our sound check at 5:30 pm — note the early time.The chorus/soloists are coming for a 6:30 pm sound check. We will end by 7:00 pm to allow you to rest before the 8:00 pm downbeat.

Video for concert

I am looking for someone who would be willing to man my DSLR to video the concert. I supply the equipment, but I need someone to re-direct the camera during Les Miz, change the battery at intermission, etc. If you have a technically competent spouse, friend, or child, please let me know.


At the end of the May 11 concert, you will receive your parts for the Caramoor concert. Nancy will hand out music via inter-office envelopes. There are a couple pieces that have to move forward with us from your current folder to Caramoor, so be sure to listen to instructions carefully so you turn in all old music and have all the parts you need to start to prepare for our first Caramoor rehearsal on June 3. We have no rehearsals on May 13, 20, or 27, but I don’t want everyone sight-reading on June 3.

The Thrilling 32

We’ve had 24 responses to the Thrilling 32. Please follow this link and vote by midnight this coming Monday. On Tuesday, I’ll set up the Sweet Sixteen and create a new voting form. Will your favorite pieces advance?

Rich Williams recital

As announced, Rich is presented a trombone recital this coming Sunday, May 5 at noon in Larchmont. Click on the flyer for details. The performance is in the Larchmont Avenue Presbyterian Church in Larchmont. Good luck to Rich!


I’ve never known a Broadway show backer in my life — but we have one in the band! Sue WInthrop is one of the executive producers of Tootsie, and it’s gotten great reviews. See below for the YouTube montage.

We hope to put together a field trip to see the show. We took a hand count last week. We’ll make more formal decisions in the weeks ahead.

The American Prize update

We’ve made it to Finalist status among Bands/Wind Ensembles in the Community Division (although it appears that the semi-finalist and finalist list is exactly the same). Read the release here.

Enjoy the weekend — see you eager and ready on Monday!