I don’t have adequate words to describe the gratitude I have for all of you for the performance today. But here are a couple notes in m attempt to come close:
- I’m glad that we had the muddy Amphitheater first. It really put everyone on their toes (including me) and helped us prepare for the positive resonance of the Ballroom.
- Thank you for playing so well for Todd. Metroplex sounded amazing. I don’t often (never, really) get to sit in the front row of a performance and actually hear you play!
- There were some moments of absolute beauty in every piece, but they were concentrated heavily in the Gjeilo. I was overwhelmed at the end, not only by your performance, but because you delivered the strength and beauty of the piece exactly as I had envisioned it when I programmed the piece for this concert. Thank you for allowing me to go a little slower at the beginning to help increase the agility for the bowed mallets, and for following me so well so I could stretch the music at key places (umm, like all over the place!). Any band can play loud and fast. This band can certainly do that, but can also play heart-breaking sustained melodic material, stress the dissonances, and pull the heartstrings of the listeners to new levels. For this I am especially grateful.
- The ensemble displayed extremely high levels of cohesion throughout the performance. Critical listeners who spoke to me afterward (including one member of the NJWS audition committee) remarked specifically about the stand-out quality of the group’s intonation. That was pure gold to my ears.
So, rest up tomorrow, and we’ll see you on Monday evening at TMH. We’ll focus on Joe’s work with the Biedenbender (please be ready for m.86), Milhaud, and Les Miz, parts 1 & 2.
Congratulations to you all!