Please be careful on/off stage tonight

I just received this message from Megan, the Stage Manager at TMH:

Heads up. We had a kids show today, and they are storing equipment in dressing rooms / around stage and in wings. Please don’t pull up spike tape on floor. If there are issues with the scenery (don’t think there will be) be gentle, it’s card board!

So please be aware that we are sharing the space on and off stage this evening with equipment from this show. Please be aware that there is scenery around and about the stage, and spike tape (important to their performances) on the stage floor. Please take extra care when moving chairs, stands, and percussion, and lift items as necessary on stage so as not to rip up the spike tape. Our access time before rehearsal is not affected.

This children’s show continues production next week, and that is the reason we had to move the March 18 rehearsal to New Rochelle.

See you tonight at TMH.